Home / About / Rotary Club Of Burnley Pendleside

Rotary clubs are based in local communities across the world with its members meeting on a regular basis for fun and friendship and to plan projects that will benefit the lives of others
These are dedicated people, men and women from business and professions, who share a common interest in helping others.
The Rotary Club of Burnley Pendleside meet in Reedly every Wednesday evening.
Grahame Trudgill has been a Rotary member for nearly 10 years. He knew that the Rotary Club of Burnley Pendleside (pictured) had been doing an annual walk around the Barley area for a long time. But after noticing that this walk hadn't happened for a few years he decided to come up with something a little different to raise funds for charity. Five years later... Grahame is still the chief-organiser of Pendle Pub Walk, and a past president (2011-2012) of The Rotary Club of Burnley Pendleside.
For PPW 2013 - by keeping admin costs to a minimum - there was over £4,500 left over from registration fees which went to Rotary charity. In 2013 recipients included...
Angel House (women's rufuge) - British Heart Foundation - Burnley Food Bank - Derian House (children's hospice) - Médecins Sans Frontières - Pendle Hippodrome - Shelterbox (for disaster relief in Haiti) - Speakeasy - Sycamore United Junior Football Club